“Mir kumen on” (We’re on the way)
1936. Words by Nokhem Yud, Music by Yankl Troupianski.
“We’re on the way,” with words (in Yiddish) by Nokhem Yud and music by Yankl Troupianskim. This was the theme song of a film by the same name made in 1936. The film is a docudrama about the Jewish Socialist Bund’s Medem Sanatorium. It is sung by a chorus of the child actors in the film. The refrain goes: “We’re on the way, we’re on the way!/We’re on the way, we’re on the way!/And strong and sure is our step./We’re on the way from village and city./With passion in our eyes/With hearts yearning for happiness/ We’re on the way, we’re on the way!”