Poster: “Appeal to the Jewish people to register to vote”
Undated appeal to Vilna Jewish voters to update their registration for the elections to the Vilna City Council. It requests Jews to appear to verify that they are registered to vote, and, if not, to submit a request to register. The poster lists the election bureau locations and reminds readers that not fulfilling their voting duties can harm the community, as it had happened recently in Warsaw when Jews lost seats in the election. Full translation below:
Every Jew must, in the period June 1-3, go to their
If he is entered in the LIST of VOTERS
If he is not on the list or the family name is not written correctly
He must LODGE A COMPLAINT in his precinct and provide documentation
If you do not know how to lodge a complaint, go to our offices and receive the necessary information and fill out the complaint form, and also learn the address of the precinct.
Our offices are at:
The Community Building on Orzeskowa St.
The Merchants’ Union Office on Pohulanka St.
The Artisans’ Union Office on Vilna-St.
The Welfare Committee Office on Daytshe St.
If you don’t perform your civic duty, you will UNDERMINE THE INTERESTS of the Jews in the Vilna City Council.
REMEMBER WARSAW! Where instead of 40 seats the Jews received only 27 as result of their own neglect.
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