Poster with light background color and printed in black ink. In Yiddish.

Lecture poster: “Jewish Socialist Parties”

Vilna, Poland, 1919. Poster promoting a lecture.

Poster promoting a Vilna Bund Committee Meeting on April 2nd, 1919, in Vilna, Poland, about Jewish Socialist Parties (Bund, United, Poalei Zion, and Communist Union), followed by a debate. The lecture featured a speech by A. Litvak, a Bundist activist and writer in Eastern Europe and later the U.S., and a member of the Bund, one of the discussed parties, and one of the largest political groups among Polish Jews. It represented a diverse coalition of Jewish people with shared interests in trade unionism, anti-Zionism, and cultural promotion of Yiddish, and was particularly active and popular in urban centers, like Vilna. Full translation below:

Vilna Committee of the Bund

City Auditorium

Wednesday, April 2nd, 1919

Member of the Central Committee of the Bund

Comrade A. LITVAK

Will give a LECTURE



Bund, United Jewish Socialists, Poalei Tsion, Communist Association


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