Cartoon, white background printed in black ink.

Evil-doer, Why Do You Beat Your Brother?

New York, United States, 1924. Political Cartoon

Jewish immigrants were opposed to new immigration restrictions put into place in the U.S. in the 1920s. They responded angrily in the Yiddish press. One such example is this 1924 cartoon by Zuni Maud in the New York Yiddish satirical weekly, Der groyse kundes (The Big Stick). Captioned “An old Egyptian street scene replayed in Congress in Washington,” a woman labeled “Americanism” holds Congressman Rosenblum back from beating a Jewish immigrant with a club marked “Complete cessation of immigration.” The image references Republican Representative Benjamin Rosenbloom of West Virginia, who was virulently anti-immigrant, in spite of the fact that his own parents had emigrated to the United States from Russia.